Tuesday, June 26, 2018

This is currently a blog that I, Edward Dalton, am thinking of further creating and continuing.

This may not happen.

Straight out: On June 26, 2018 I Googled the words ubersucks.blogspot.com thinking that someone would have started such a blog.

No one had.

When I learned that I jumped right in - but I make no promises as to whether I will "keep on keepin' on."

As a former cabdriver of Providence, R.I. USA (1992-2004) - and a part-time shuttle driver for the Rhode Island School of Design (2016-present) - it is my opinion that Uber really does suck - and for many good reasons: They treat their drivers like garbage; they've unfairly entered so many taxi markets; they've spread dirt about how cabdrivers and the traditional cab riding experience itself is so terrible; the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - one of the worst places in the history of civilization - is one of their major backers; their female senior executives have had to deal with sexual abuse, discrimination; through their sudden domination of the taxi market they have driven more than one New York City cabdriver to suicide, etc.

Don't worry about zombies crawling up from their graves: UBER IS HERE!

By the way: Though my last name is Dalton I am no relation to Jason Dalton, the former Uber driver and mass murderer who went on a shooting spree because he believed his Uber app told him to. 

To check out my YouTube video on Uber Google: Uber and the Monster. (You wouldn't be missing much if you didn't see it, let me tell you.)

To check out my pretty good blog of taxi stories, get to realcabrides.blogspot.com (This is worth checking out.)

As the London cabbies say: Be Lucky!
Edward Dalton

And hats off the the cabdrivers and countries throughout the world that have stood up to Uber. I hope foreign readers will understand that so many people of the United States hate Uber and think the cabdriver cultures of other lands should be respected.

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